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Most Artworks Exhibited in the Stratosphere

Most Artworks Exhibited in the Stratosphere(图1)
Most Artworks Exhibited in the Stratosphere(图2)
Most Artworks Exhibited in the Stratosphere(图3)
Most Artworks Exhibited in the Stratosphere(图4)
Most Artworks Exhibited in the Stratosphere(图5)

Record Number: WRC230531N 

Record of Achievements: 12 artworks 

Place of Record: Spain 

Record time: 6th September 2023 

The world record attempt, initiated by Vuse, involved George Rollo, an artist from the UK, who assembled a team to launch 12 artworks affixed to a weather balloon into the stratosphere on the 6th of September 2023. Verified by the World Record Certification Agency (WRCA), the attempt successfully set a world record for the "Most Artworks Exhibited in the Stratosphere".

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