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Largest collection of postal stamps

Largest collection of postal stamps(图1)
Largest collection of postal stamps(图2)
Largest collection of postal stamps(图3)
Largest collection of postal stamps(图4)
Largest collection of postal stamps(图5)

Record Number: WRC200609P 

Record of Achievements: more than 50,000 stamps of 240?different countries 

Place of Record: India 

Record time: 27 July 2020 

Dr. Jawahar Israni (India) has a collection of more than 50,000 postal stamps of 240 countries (including Islands and Kingdoms), setting the world record for largest collection of postal stamps.

Residing at Dilshad Colony, Delhi, Jawahar is over 77 years old of age, who has also been pursuing this hobby since his school days. Now he is a proud owner of collection of more than 50,000 stamps of 240 different countries (Including Kingdoms and Islands) & including India, kept with different themes. This was motivated by a class teacher. The collection has been widely displayed from time to time at various places.

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